What You Need to Know About 3D Printed Motorcycle Parts

6 min readDec 14, 2023


When it comes to rapid prototyping, we aim at low-volume productions demanding swift turnarounds. Manufacturing motorcycle parts with complex geometries will require several machining components and tool building.

This can be complicated and may increase costs in the development cycle. Using additive manufacturing (3D printing) eliminates the need for tool building. It creates an opportunity for open-minded designers to generate motorcycle structures with minimal materials.

The critical element driving the adoption of 3D printing in the motorcycle industry is the use of electric powertrains. Electric motors generate relatively lower temperatures. There is also a higher impact in terms of weight reduction. Thus, 3D printable polymers are becoming more viable options for several high-end motorcycle parts.

3D printing makes it feasible to create unique, custom motorcycle components like shift levers and linkages. It also allows manufacturers to use available possibilities to expand their creativity. At the same time, you can reduce cycle times and manufacturing costs with 3D-printed motorcycle parts.

3D Printed Motorcycle Parts

Motorcycle 3D Printing Process

The 3D printing process begins with creating a 3D model for the intended motorcycle part. The slicing process follows, converting the 3D model into machine sequences. Material choice is another important of making motorcycle 3D-printed parts. 3D printing allows you to produce some prototypes using relatively inexpensive materials.

Consequently, you can use the initial prototypes to ensure they perfectly fit your motorcycle. If the 3D-printed motorcycle parts do not fit in, you have the chance to adjust your 3D model. In many cases, you can use different materials for different motorcycle parts.

Furthermore, 3D printing for motorcycle parts supports surface finishing. Machinists can trim the parts to remove any stray structures attached during printing. Other techniques can also be used to smoothen the part surface. As a result, the surface is suitable for paint application and retention.

Your 3D-printed motorcycle is ready for coupling and testing after the finishing stage. Several companies now use different types of 3D printing techniques in making motorcycle parts and making motorcycles from scratch. Moreover, 3D printing is the way to go, enabling the high customization levels that come with motorcycle development.

What Are the Common 3D Printing Motorcycle Parts?

Making motorcycle parts with 3D printer is highly plausible. 3D printing a motorcycle from the ground up is also gaining popularity in the manufacturing industry.

Common 3D Printing Motorcycle Parts

Some of the common motorcycle 3D printed parts include the following:

Small Bore Motorcycle Parts

PLA filaments help in the manufacturing of small-bore motorcycle prototypes. Consequently, you can have material savings of up to 90%. These parts are also usually accurate to CAD drawings. Examples of such components include castings and forgings, fasteners, gears, pull locks, etc.

Quick Replacement Parts

These include parts that require frequent changing to maintain the bike’s performance. Examples are brake pads, driveshafts, bike chains, motorbike saddle, handlebar, pedal, etc.

Motorcycle Engine Model and Accessories

This manufacturing technology also helps to create motorcycle engine 3D model and other accessories. These include assembly crankcase, camshaft, valve, piston ring, water tank fan, exhaust, and more.

Control System Parts

The 3D printed motorcycle parts under this category include the gearbox, wheel bearings, handlebar, pull lock, steering column, and other related parts.

3D Printed Motorcycle Helmet

Besides the actual body parts of the motorcycle, 3D printing also help create a helmet for your bike. So, you have everything you need in one go.

Professionally designed 3D printed motorcycle helmets will ensure proven safety for wearers. Manufacturers often test these helmets for effectiveness in terms of shell deflection and shock absorption.

3D printing helps to create well-designed helmets that ensure objects bounce off at safe angles. Furthermore, 3D printing ensures proper shock absorption if the impact is heavy. Manufacturers use patented impact protection systems so that the outer shell can absorb enough shock. This way, the inner layer of the helmet rotates to deflect the remainder of the impact.

Benefits of 3D Printing for Motorcycle Parts

3D printing is a fantastic manufacturing process, but why is it an excellent option for motorcycle parts? Additive manufacturing allows manufacturers to speed up their creative process from the design stage to eventual manufacturing. In addition, it enables faster iterations and design refinements. The usual design limitations that come with traditional manufacturing processes are easily overcome.

Let’s look at some advantages of 3D printing for crafting your motorcycle parts.

Reduced Cost

This is perhaps the most impressive benefit of using 3D printing technology in motorcycle part development. It can significantly reduce the cost of prototyping. In several cases, 3D printed motorcycle parts come at a fraction of the usual cost from other manufacturing processes. This way, you can pursue your motorcycle development with limited budget.

Rapid Prototyping

Ordinarily, it would table between 2 to 3 weeks to manufacture a complex motorcycle part like the suspension or frame. However, 3D printing greatly speeds up the development process. Making motorcycle parts with 3d printer will take only about 5 to 8 hours, regardless of the complexity. This means that you can increase your production volume with this technique.

Furthermore, you can make rapid changes during the development stage. You may find the need to tweak designs to meet unique requirements. The traditional manufacturing process would take too much time. However, 3D printing can speed up your motorcycle part development while allowing you to make multiple changes within a short time.

Unlimited Customization Concept

Creating complicated shapes with CNC millers and laser cutting machines can be challenging. There is usually the need to be careful with edges to prevent errors during production. Therefore, most motorcycle parts made with these processes have similar features.

However, motorcycle 3D printed parts often come with unique concepts. Additive manufacturing gives designers the freedom of creativity. You can incorporate sharp edges into your design. In addition, you can also test ideas before mass production. This empowers you to personalize your motorbike parts at minimal costs.

Efficiency and Accuracy

3D printing technology is an effective process for creating complex bike parts. Handcrafted motorcycle parts may not be compatible with the bike. This creates additional workloads on the part of the manufacturer. However, 3D printers often ensure up to 99% of the design to save you from the stress of back-and-forth changes.

Waste Reduction

Many motorcycle parts manufacturers currently use CNC milling and laser cutting for mass production. These processes require machinists to carve out patterns from a block of material. As a result, excess material waste comes from the carved pattern, often not useful for other parts.

On the other hand, you can consider different 3D printing filaments as per your project requirements. Thus, you can reduce waste created to the barest minimum. Furthermore, ABS material and PLA filaments are usually less expensive than block materials used in subtractive manufacturing.




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